FarmLink: Bridging Sustainability and Local Enterprise
The FarmLink project aims to promote sustainable agricultural practices, reduce food waste and enhance food security in Adana. Aligned with the SDGs, it focuses on boosting local agricultural production, empowering women and reducing environmental impact through waste recycling and composting. It will contribute to the exchange of best practices and knowledge on the international stage.
Key stakeholders include Adana Metropolitan Municipality, farmers, restaurants and entrepreneurs. Partnerships with markets, food production zones and local businesses will support waste collection and sustainable practices.
FarmLink will offer educational programs on sustainable farming and establish greenhouses using soil and hydroponic systems. Biodegradable waste will be collected from bazaars, markets and restaurants, while composting units will be set up in key areas, with workshops for farmers and chefs.
These initiatives aim to increase agricultural production, reduce food waste by 5% and improve soil quality through composting. They will raise community awareness of sustainability and strengthen local economies positioning Adana as a model for other cities.