Gastro Film Project

Adana has a deep-rooted culture in the cinema sector as well as in gastronomy. The city’s director and actor, Yılmaz Güney, has had a significant impact.  His film “Yol” was awarded “Best Film” at the 1982 Cannes Film Festival and won the Palme d’Or, making Güney the first Turkish director to receive this prestigious honor.

Adana, with its significant contributions to cinema and gastronomy, aims to position itself as an international hub for creative collaboration. This project combines the cinematic and culinary heritage of the city, fostering global cultural interaction and preserving its traditions for future generations.

Key partners include Adana Municipality, the International Adana Golden Boll Film Festival, chefs, filmmakers, cultural experts and academics.

The Gastro Film initiative will feature food-themed films, documentaries and short films at the festival, showcasing iconic culinary scenes from Turkish and international cinema. The project will also restore historical cinemas, archive classic films and document traditional recipes and cooking techniques.

The project will enhance Adana’s cultural identity, increase global visibility and establish the city as a dynamic hub for creative exploration, blending heritage with innovation.
